Crew Competency Management made easy

Flight Operations | Safety Management | Flight Crew Training | Maintenance


‘Because currency and proficiency are key for a safe flight operation’

SKYOPS flight crew training provides an optimized approach to manage your training, licensing skills and competency records. Overcome the challenges of spreadsheets and paper-based records and take your organization to the next level.

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Competency Management

Competency management provides a dashboard to monitor, define and maintain functional competencies. Based on the required knowledge or skills, each functional competency consists of any number of required trainings, qualifications, ratings or licenses.

An organizational competency is measured at the level of the organization. On the centralized dashboard you can monitor, add or remove competencies to your organizational members.

Mission profiles can be configured to require specific competencies for the selected AIR/UAS crew. SKYOPS.com assesses real-time and informs accordingly to the required level of competence for each mission.

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Training Management

Manage your internal or external company trainings. Set the required recurrency interval and alert levels. The defined trainings can be used as requirement for functional competencies.

Rating and Qualifications Management

Ratings and Qualifications

Safeguard your required operational proficiency levels. Set required minimum flight hours or required iterations for specific ratings and operation types. You can use the automatically synchronized ratings with SKYOPS fleet management or add customized ratings and qualifications. Licenses and Ratings can be uses as requirement for functional competencies.

License Management

License Management

Stay ahead of the expiration and status of required licenses. Manage pilot or medical licenses for both manned or unmanned aviators or define your custom licenses to meet your company requirements. Licenses are tracked automatically based on their date of validity. SKYOPS informs the holders and stakeholders individually ahead of required renewal and are part of the functional competencies.



Increase safety and best practices within your operation while complying with applicable law, regulations and internal policies.